From the show "A Tale of Plans, Told by Misgivings", 2009
Elastic Gallery, Malmö, Sweden
Pride goes before a fall, DK
Oil on canvas, 140 x 160 cm
So he had possessed himself of time, 2009
80 X 120 Cm
There was a morning ritual and a darkness outside, 2010
Oil on canvas, 40 x 30 cm
From the show "A Tale of Plans, Told by Misgivings", 2009
Elastic Gallery, Malmö, Sweden
She set out to capture the exact formation, 2009
80 x 100, oil on canvas
From the show "A Tale of Plans, Told by Misgivings", 2009
Elastic Gallery, Malmö, Sweden
Palm Reflection, 2009
Oil on canvas, 21 x 30 cm
From the show "A Tale of Plans, Told by Misgivings", 2009
Elastic Gallery, Malmö, Sweden